Gottlieb Duttweiler Chair

In 2000, the Gottlieb Duttweiler Chair of International Re-tail Management was founded in order to continue and in-tensify the long-standing tradition of retail research at the University of St.Gallen.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rudolph and his team of researchers thus concentrate on research questions in «International Retail Management» and «Consumer Behaviour in Retail-ing», so as to deliver enduring and effective research results with both theoretical and practical relevance. Accordingly, the major tasks of the Chair are research and teaching.

For an insight into the lifetime achievement of Gottlieb Duttweiler: Marketing genius and pioneer, read the book chapter by Thomas Rudolph and Tim Böttger (in Reinecke, S. (ed.) et al.: Marketeers: Macher, Manager und Magnaten. ISBN 978-3-905819-19-9).

